A brand new year is here, and with that comes a fresh start and a chance to reset. Creating a vision board is a great way to lay out how you want this new year to look, but it can be overwhelming knowing how to dream for the year ahead. Here are some simple tips to help you get your vision board started:
SUPPLIES YOU’LL NEED - Poster board of any size, markers/colored pencils, scissors, a glue stick + magazines
First, think through what you see for yourself in the new year: career change, improving your wellness, picking up a new hobby, resolving to do _____ more, etc.
Next, you’ll start to set your intentions for the year. Pick 3-5 categories (for example, physical/emotional/mental), and each category you choose, ask yourself what you want to accomplish, how you want to feel + what steps are needed to make that happen.
Practice visualizing these things happening (for more information on visualization practices, check out this resource)
Build out your vision board using pictures, magazine cut outs, words + anything else that describe your vision for the year ahead (for some major vision board inspo, click here). This is your time to get creative + have fun with it!
The last step, and probably the most important, is setting up some accountability. Share your goals + vision with a friend or small group and schedule quarterly check ins to see how things are progressing. Find a group of cheer leaders to root you on!