We could be cooped up in our homes for the next few days/weeks, which means loneliness + boredom are likely to set in soon. We’ve come up with a list of 5 ways to combat these to help during this time of uncertainty.
Get outside and go for a walk. Take this opportunity to get some fresh air you might not have otherwise had! Getting your endorphins going is a great way to relieve stress.
Be intentional with friends + schedule FaceTime/video chat dates weekly. While getting together in person is always more fun, this is a safe way of connecting with your people + will help with feelings of loneliness or isolation.
Get to those household projects you’ve been putting off. Deep clean your house; purge your closet or kitchen/pantry (hello, expired spice drawer!); yard work - pulling weeds + clearing out the winter leaves.
Create a list of ways you can support + encourage. Whether it’s friends (sending a thoughtful text or email, snail mail!, sending a funny video or meme, dropping off a sweet treat on their doorstep), or small businesses (purchasing a product or gift card from your favorite local biz, giving a social media shout out, sending a kind word of encouragement to a small biz owner), often times stepping out to encourage others boosts your own morale JUST AS MUCH!
Try a new DIY project. There are tons of free online tutorials to get you started https://www.skillshare.com/browse/diy.
What are some other ways you can think of to combat loneliness or boredom? Comment below!